To become a member, sign up at either store. We’re member owned and our lifetime membership is only $29. This includes a nonrefundable $5 joining fee and $24 in membership dues. We also offer free memberships to seniors, people who live with disabilities and those who are low income. The low income membership gives an additional 10% off our shelf prices, too! We offer this to discount to our community as part of our purpose to: “make good food accessible to more people.”
The Olympia Food Co-op is a consumer co-op, organized under the non-profit statutes of Washington State. You don’t have to be a member to shop at the Co-op, but the majority of our customers are members. When you become a member of the Olympia Food Co-op you are joining with millions of people around the world who choose cooperation – in their workplaces, their banks, their housing, and in their retail shops. As community owned and operated businesses, co-ops exist to serve their members through economic collaboration.
Cooperatives of all types are linked through adherence to the 7 principles of the International Cooperative Alliance.
In order to fulfill our mission and encourage participation, Olympia Food Co-op offers several types of memberships. Our membership fees are low, and entitle you to shop at our posted prices, receive discounts on certain case orders, participate in our working member program, and participate in the governance of the organization, including serving on committees, and voting for and/or serving on the Board of Directors.
On your first visit to either of our locations, please enjoy shopping at member prices. We think you’ll find many reasons to come back again and join the Co-op.