The Board’s meeting this month will be held in person.
Any comments to the Board can be emailed to
Meeting Dates & Agenda & Minutes
The Olympia Food Co-op Board of Directors is elected by the membership. Any active member is eligible to run for the Board of Directors. There are also Committees of the Board, such as Finance, Member Relations, and Expansion, that Co-op members are welcome to apply for. Full duties of the Board are listed in the bylaws. The Board is eager to make themselves familiar and accessible to the membership. Feel free to contact them by emailing.
The Olympia Food Co-op has adopted an 8th Cooperative Principle:
Diversity, equity and inclusion — Cooperatives seek to incorporate diversity,
perform equitably and ensure inclusion at all levels of their organizations to
better serve members, show members they are valued and ensure members
receive equitable service.
The eight Cooperative Principles are:
1. Voluntary and open membership
2. Democratic member control
3. Member economic participation
4. Autonomy and independence
5. Education, training and information
6. Cooperation among cooperatives
7. Concern for community
8. Diversity, equity and inclusion
Our current board (photographs by Daniel G. Bernstein)
- Ruth Brownstein
- Jennifern Falknor
- Andie Giron
- Jim Hutcheon
- Ike Nwankwo
- Harry Levine
- Dave Toler
Olympia Food Co-op Board of Directors 2024
Jim Hutcheon – (President)
Term: 2023-2025
Andie Giron – (Vice President)
Term: 2023-2025
Dave Toler – (Secretary)
Term: 2024-2025
Harry Levine (Treasurer & Staff Representative)
Ruth Brownstein
Term: 2024-2026
Jennifern Falknor
Term: 2024-2026
Ike Kineswa
Term: 2024-2026
Open Meetings Policy
The Olympia Food Co-op Board of Directors welcomes the attendance of active Co-op members at Board meetings and at the Annual Meeting. The Board reserves the right to refuse admission to any person whose behavior is disruptive. Photography, video, or audio recording is only allowed with prior consent by the Board.
*Board meetings may include an executive session, which is closed to members in order to discuss matters requiring confidentiality.