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round up grants awarded!

The Community Sustaining Fund recently held their biannual grant cycle. Funds from the Co-op Round Up! at the register program were dispersed to five local organizations seeking help with various projects.

Canoe Journey/Standing Rock Medic Bus
Stipends for teachers for a community herbal training program to streamline their service delivery. Their first aid bus comes to all stops for the Canoe Journey each year.
YES! Journalism for People Building a Better World – July 2018 article

Caring Kids Family Volunteer Program
Snacks for children who volunteer, with their parents, to attend service experiences such as bagging food at the Food Bank, visiting Panorama Seniors, and doing beach clean-up with the Estuarium, among others.
Child Care Action Council – sign up for Family Volunteer opportunities

Stewards of Wellspring
Help with their septic system so that they can continue to hold community events, song circles, music performances, and workshops dealing with sustainable living.

Thurston County Food Bank
Funds for the purchase and installation of a bike rack, and for food carts. This helps those visiting to safely leave their bikes and allows volunteers to cart food home for visitors so they can take more food.
Thurston County Food Bank website

Olympia Eco-District Project
Stipend for an administrative intern at Fertile Ground, working to create an Eco-District in the Olympia downtown. Hoping to establish a project aimed at community resiliency, housing land use and neighborhood engagement.
Fertile Ground Eco-District Project

Thank you for participating in the Co-op Round Up! Your generosity makes these grant allocations possible. We love helping such amazing groups with their community projects! Ask the cashier to put you on the Reminder to Round Up List!