This year’s Coopatopia event will be held as a “Co-op Alley” of booths in the Northwest Cooperative Development Center’s parking lot on 4th and Adams, right in the heart of Artswalk activities. A live Artswalk band & space for food and beverages will be onsite. Coopatopia is looking for artists who would like to display some of their work at a shared booth with a co-op, and talk with visitors about how much they love being a co-op member! Contact Cooptopia for more info on this event.
How is the Olympia Food Co-op involved with Cooptopia?
The Development Committee of the Board is working to create a network of mutually supportive co-ops and collectives in the Puget Sound. An exchange with CECOSESOLA in Venezuela is part of strength-building for this network. Supporting each other operationally, and helping new co-ops grow is part of our goal, too.
Visit our page on the Co-op Movement