This is the fundamental statement that drives our work here at the Co-op. It is read aloud at the beginning of staff and Board meetings to keep it fresh in everyone’s minds as decisions are made.
The Olympia Food Co-op Statement of Purpose
The purpose of the cooperative is to contribute to the health and well being of people by providing wholesome foods and other goods and services, accessible to all, through a locally oriented, collectively managed, not-for-profit cooperative organization that relies on consensus decision making. We strive to make human effects on the earth and its inhabitants positive and renewing, and to encourage economic and social justice. Our goals are to:
- Provide information about food
- Make good food accessible to more people
- Support efforts to increase democratic process
- Support efforts to foster a socially and economically egalitarian society
- Provide information about collective process and consensus decision making
- Support local production
- See to the long term health of the business
- Assist in the development of local community resources