We are relieved to announce that The City of Olympia will be constructing ADA accessible pedestrian crossings at the intersection Pacific Avenue & Landsdale Road for safer access to our Eastside location!
Construction begins Monday, March 12, and will be complete the end of April 2018. Travelers should expect lane restrictions, driveway disruptions and traffic delays during construction. Flaggers will direct motorists and pedestrians through the construction.
Here is the copy from the postcard….
Pacific Avenue Pedestrian Crossing Improvements
Construction Begins
On Monday, March 12, the City’s contractor will start work on the Pacific Avenue Pedestrian Crossing Improvements project. This project will install pedestrian crossings, including pedestrian refuge islands, on Pacific Avenue at the intersection of Devoe Street and at the intersection of Lansdale Road.
Potential Impacts
- At least one lane of traffic in each direction will be open during construction. Travelers should expect lane restrictions and traffic delays during construction.
- Access to driveways that are in the immediate area of the project locations may be temporarily disrupted at times during construction.
- Flaggers will direct motorists and pedestrians through the construction area.
- The project is expected to be complete by the end of April 2018.